Holiday house Es jaç

3 bedrooms
1 bathrooms


Bedroom 1

1 double bed

Bedroom 2

2 single beds

Bedroom 3

2 single beds

Information about Es jaç

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Damage deposit: 300.00EUR



Hair dryer


Coffee machine
High chair
Tea towels


Sun loungers




Washing machine


  • Bank:

    6 km
  • Supermarket:

    6.4 km
  • Beach:

    0.180 km
  • Airport:

    49.4 km
  • Golf course:

    20.7 km
  • Town:

    0.001 km
  • Train station:

    38 km
  • Bus stop:

    4.8 km
  • Ferry:

    61.6 km
  • Hospital:

    39 km
  • Pharmarcy:

    6.7 km
  • Bar:

    3 km


  • Arrival / Departure
  • Available
  • Occupied

Guests reviews.

14 guests reviewed this property.
Casa spaziosa e silenziosa a Cala des MoroSpacious and quiet house in Cala des Moro


I liked: Casa spaziosa, pulita e silenziosa ottima posizione sopra cala des moro ( 5 min a piedi) Cucina ben dotata Letti comodi Parcheggio gratuito davanti casa ma non riservato ( come specificato nella descrizione della struttura) I did not like: Non c'è il wifi Problema di parcheggio durante il giorno in quanto non c'è il posto riservato davanti casa È obbligatorio avere una macchina per qualsiasi spesa
I liked: Spacious, clean and quiet house, excellent location above Cala des Moro (5 min walk) Well-equipped kitchen Comfortable beds Free parking in front of the house but not reserved (as specified in the property description) I did not like: There is no wifi Parking problem during the day as there is no reserved space in front of the house It is mandatory to have a car for any shopping
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Buena ubicación cerca de la naturaleza y cerca de las calas más famosas de Mallorca.
Good location close to nature and close to the most famous coves in Mallorca.
Amazing. I would come backAmazing. I would come back


I enjoyed this house very much. It’s located right near very beautiful beach, and I liked that it’s far away from all the noisy touristic streets. great place if you want run away from the stress
I enjoyed this house very much. It’s located right near very beautiful beach, and I liked that it’s far away from all the noisy touristic streets. great place if you want run away from the stress
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Die Kommunikation lief sehr schnellCommunication was very quick


Die Kommunikation lief sehr schnell und freundlich. Nichts zu meckern. Das Haus war leider sehr in die Jahre gekommen und definitiv nicht den Preis wert, aber hier geht es ja nur um die Erfahrung mit der Agentur.
Communication was very quick and friendly. Nothing to complain about. Unfortunately, the house was very old and definitely not worth the price, but this is all about the experience with the agency.
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Ein besonderer Urlaub für Naturfreunde, die nicht auf Anregung von aussen angewiesen sindA special holiday for nature lovers who do not need external stimulation


Nur für Selbstversorger zu empfehlen, abgelegen von jeglicher öffentlicher Einrichtung. Die pittoreske Badebucht ist zwar kein Geheimtipp mehr, jedoch der langen steilen Treppen wegen sportlich herausfordernd.Offenbar war WLAN an dieser Stelle unzuverlässig, wird hier nicht mehr angeboten. Der Vermittler müsste die genaue Lage des Objektes etwas präziser angeben; die Anreise ist ein Glücksspiel
Only recommended for self-catering, remote from any public facilities. The picturesque bathing bay is no longer an insider tip, but it is challenging due to the long, steep stairs. Apparently WiFi was unreliable at this point and is no longer offered here. The agent would have to specify the exact location of the property a little more precisely; Getting there is a gamble
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R 15:12 Summary: Toller Unterkunft im Naturschutzgebiet. I liked: Das Haus im spanischen Stil habenR 15:12 Summary: Great accommodation in a nature reserve. I liked: Having the house in Spanish style

Bea Janina

Toller Unterkunft im Naturschutzgebiet. I liked: Das Haus im spanischen Stil haben wir zu fünft bewohnt. Es bietet genügend Platz für einen Familienurlaub. Die Terrasse mit vielen schattigen Plätzen bietet Platz zum Ausruhen. Die Außendusche bietet Erfrischung.
Great accommodation in a nature reserve. I liked: There were five of us living in the Spanish-style house. It offers enough space for a family vacation. The terrace with many shady spots offers space to relax. The outdoor shower offers refreshment.
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Finca sehr schönFinca very nice


Finca sehr schön, sauber und ordentlich. Lage traumhaft. Zwei wunderschöne Buchten in unmittelbarer Nähe. Parkplatz vor der Haustür. Check-in/Schlüsselübergabe super nett und persönlich. Danke Joanna!
Finca very nice, clean and tidy. Location fantastic. Two beautiful bays in the immediate vicinity. Parking space in front of the front door. Check-in/key handover was super nice and personal. Thanks Joanna!
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gute Vorbereitunggood preparation


Rundum gute Vorbereitung und Betreuung. Danke!
All around good preparation and support. Thanks!
Ein besonderer Urlaub für Naturfreunde, die nicht auf Anregung von aussen angewiesen sindA special holiday for nature lovers who do not need external stimulation


Nur für Selbstversorger zu empfehlen, abgelegen von jeglicher öffentlicher Einrichtung. Die pittoreske Badebucht ist zwar kein Geheimtipp mehr, jedoch der langen steilen Treppen wegen sportlich herausfordernd.Offenbar war WLAN an dieser Stelle unzuverlässig, wird hier nicht mehr angeboten. Der Vermittler müsste die genaue Lage des Objektes etwas präziser angeben; die Anreise ist ein Glücksspiel
Only recommended for self-catering, remote from any public facilities. The picturesque bathing bay is no longer an insider tip, but it is challenging due to the long, steep stairs. Apparently WiFi was unreliable at this point and is no longer offered here. The agent would have to specify the exact location of the property a little more precisely; Getting there is a gamble
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Vielen Dank für den schönen Aufenthalt.Thank you for the lovely stay.


Das ist ist sehr schön ruhig gelegen.Ganz in der Nähe gibt es eine der schönsten Buchten Mallorcas die Cala de Moro. Bis nach Santanyi sind es ca 5-6 km. Das einzige störende sind die Mücken diese sind leider auch am Tage sehr aktiv,also mein Rat ist Insektenspray einzupacken.
This is a very nice, quiet location. Very close by there is one of the most beautiful bays in Mallorca, Cala de Moro. It is about 5-6 km to Santanyi. The only annoying thing are the mosquitoes, which are unfortunately very active during the day, so my advice is to pack insect spray.
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Muy Mallorquin, muy bien!Very Mallorcan, very good!


Muy Mallorquin, muy bien!
Very Mallorcan, very good!
Cala s'Almunia - 5 минутCala s'Almunia - 5 minutes


Отсутствует посудомоечная машина. Парковка не на территории, а в "кармане" дороги за забором. Надо иметь ввиду, что без машины будет затруднительно добраться как до ближайшего супермаркета, который находится в Santanyí (около 8 км), так и до других пляжей. При въезде на территорию поселка, вы неминуемо проезжаете под "кирпич", но при заселении вам выдается "пропуск для местных" и затем вы сможете это делать безнаказанно. Дом с тремя спальнями, кухней, гостиной и двумя санузлами. Небольшая терраса со столом и тремя шезлонгами на улице. Все очень просто и по-деревенски. До ближайшего пляжа Cala s'Almunia - 5 минут (но приготовьтесь к преодолению лестницы в 140 ступеней).
There is no dishwasher. Parking is not on site, but in a “pocket” of the road behind a fence. It should be borne in mind that without a car it will be difficult to get to both the nearest supermarket, which is located in Santanyí (about 8 km), and to other beaches. When entering the territory of the village, you will inevitably drive under a “brick”, but upon check-in you will be given a “pass for locals” and then you will be able to do this with impunity. House with three bedrooms, kitchen, living room and two bathrooms. Small terrace with table and three sun loungers outside. Everything is very simple and rustic. The nearest beach, Cala s'Almunia, is 5 minutes away (but be prepared to climb 140 steps).
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Very beautiful house Very beautiful house


Very beautiful house in a quiete surrounding. Cala s'Almunia and Calo des Moro are just a short walk Away. The host is very nice and welcomes his guests with fresh fruit and water.
Very beautiful house in a quiete surrounding. Cala s'Almunia and Calo des Moro are just a short walk Away. The host is very nice and welcomes his guests with fresh fruit and water.
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Super Lage, super Apartment. Für Familien mit kleinen Kindern perfekt. Kleine Strände in der Nähe und andere größere zu Fuß erreichbar. Ideal als Startpunkt um die sudöstliche Küste Mallorcas zu erkunden.
Great location, great apartment. Perfect for families with small children. Small beaches nearby and other larger ones within walking distance. Ideal as a starting point to explore the southeastern coast of Mallorca.
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How many people can sleep in Es Jaç?

This accommodation can accommodate 6 guests.

How far is Es Jaç from Cala s'Almonia?

Es Jaç is at 0.180 km from the beach.

How far is Es Jaç from S'Almonia?

Es Jaç is at 0.001 km from S'Almonia

What are the check-in and check-out times of Es Jaç at Villafinca?

Check in time is from 16:00 and check out time is until 10:00 .

Places near Es jaç

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From 174€/night

(Ages 3-15)


(Ages 0-2)

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