Institució Mossen Alcover


Institució Mossen Alcover

Information about Institució Mossen Alcover

The Institución Mossen Alcover is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and preservation of the Catalan language and culture on the island of Mallorca. The organization was founded in 1964 in Palma de Mallorca, and is named after the Mallorcan poet and writer Miquel Costa i Llobera, better known as Mossen Alcover.

The branch of the Mossen Alcover Institution in Manacor is one of the most active on the island. The organization has a headquarters in the center of town, where a series of cultural activities and events are held to promote Catalan language and culture in the region.

Among the activities organized by the Institució Mossen Alcover de Manacor are workshops on Catalan language and literature, talks and conferences on the history and culture of the region, and activities for children and young people seeking to learn and develop their Catalan language skills.

In addition, the organization also has an important library with a wide selection of books and materials related to Catalan language and culture. The library is open to the public and is a meeting place for lovers of Catalan culture and literature.

The Mossen Alcover Institution of Manacor is also committed to the promotion and defense of linguistic rights in the region, and works in collaboration with other organizations and entities to preserve and promote the Catalan language and culture on the island of Mallorca.

In short, the Institución Mossen Alcover de Manacor is a vital organization in the promotion and preservation of Catalan language and culture in the region. With its activities, workshops and cultural events, and its important library, the organization is a center of reference for those seeking to learn and develop their Catalan language skills.

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